What Should I Post On My Facebook Business Page?

By Mark Brinker 
Updated: February 6, 2024

By Mark Brinker  /  Updated: February 6, 2024

What Should I Post On My Facebook Business Page

Setting up a Facebook Page for your business isn't too difficult or time-consuming (especially if you use my handy-dandy setup guide).

The tricky part is ...

  • Figuring figuring out what to post on your Facebook Business Page.
  • Developing a simple, repeatable process to eliminate the guesswork of what to post.

And that's what we'll cover today ...

Why Bother With A Facebook Business Page?

Even if you don't spend a lot of time on social media, here are 4 reasons why it's probably a good idea to have a Facebook Business Page:

  1. 1
    Brand sculpting. Your brand is how people feel and what they think about your company. Instead of leaving it to chance, be assertive and strategically post content to your Facebook Business Page to influence how you're perceived.
  2. 2
    Trust/Credibility. Decades ago just having a phone number made your business legit. Then it was a fax number. Then a website. Now people expect businesses to have a Facebook presence. 
  3. 3
    Something to binge. Admit it. When you find something new or interesting, you often want to learn as much as you can as fast as you can. Having lots of Facebook posts allows people to quickly "consume" your brand and make a connection.
  4. 4
    Something to share. The very definition of social media is engagement and sharing content. But it's kind of hard to engage and share if your Facebook Business Page is a ghost town.

What To Post On Your Facebook Business Page

Now comes the tricky part — figuring out what content to post on your Facebook Business Page.

Rather than just posting random stuff, having an objective gives you direction on what to post.

For me, the primary objective of my Facebook Business Page is to strengthen my brand and, if appropriate, encourage people to engage with me so I can help them solve their problem.

To accomplish this, the 3 Facebook content categories I focus on are:

  • Uplifting content. Things that makes people feel good. Things that are new, interesting and refreshing. Stories of personal triumph or good deeds. I want people associating positive emotions with my company. 
  • Helpful content. Material demonstrating my knowledge and expertise. Valuable, free, how-to info to build goodwill and give them a taste of what I do.
  • Promotional content. You're in business to acquire customers, clients or patients, right? So you need to ask people to take action by regularly presenting them with offers

Let's bring this to life with some examples for each content category. 

Ideas For Uplifting Facebook Posts

  • Customer testimonial. Let others brag about you. With all the negativity in the world, who doesn't like hearing about a job well done?
  • Case study. Similar to a testimonial, just more in depth. Describe the problem, how it was solved and what the final outcome was.
  • Public thanking others. Expressing gratitude demonstrates your character plus it deepens your connection with the recipient of your gratitude.
  • Humor. You don't have to be all business all the time. Share something funny that happened recently. Maybe a cartoon or meme. Obviously stay away from things that could be offensive. 
  • Share other peoples' stuff. If you see something that inspires you or makes you feel good, chances are others will have a similar reaction. My personal favs are amazing stories involving animals or acts of kindness. 
  • Fill-in-the-blank. These can be fun thought provokers. Example: "During COVID , what I miss most is ______." 
  • Show them real-life. Share pictures of you, your staff, your dog, your family. People are innately curious. Remind them there are real-live people behind your company.  
  • Inspiring/uplifting quotes. Posting a quote can provide a quick pick-me-up to the reader. It can also embody your values. One of my favorite places to get inspiring quotes to post on Facebook is becoming minimalist.
  • Celebrate a holiday. Most holidays are a source of happiness and celebration, so ride that wave on your Facebook Business Page.
  • Post something seasonal. Similar to holidays, people generally get excited with seasonal events like the first day of spring and Opening Day in baseball.
  • Favorite book. Give people a glimpse into what interests you. The best book I've read recently is Amoralman by Derek DelGaudio.
  • An interesting stat. Did you know that WordPress powers about 40% of all websites in 2021, up from powering 35% in 2020. (This site, markbrinker.com, uses WordPress, btw.)
  • Make a prediction about a future trend. People crave prognostication. Share your opinion about where an aspect of your industry might be heading.
  • Reveal a personal passion. There's more to life than profits. Tell people about a hobby or cause you're interested in.
  • Dig into the archives. Post a picture of your first job, your first office or your first website. It's inspiring to see progress and transformation.
  • Overcoming a challenge. Share a personal story about a challenge or frustration you overcame. People will see that you're a normal person encountering struggles just like them.
  • Announce company news. Did you move to a new location? Win an award? Invest in some cutting-edge technology? Let people know!

Don't be a Debbie Downer. Research shows the majority of people prefer positive, uplifting content rather than doom and gloom.

Ideas For Helpful Facebook Posts

  • Quick wins. Share simple, DIY strategies to give readers immediate results. For example, a dentist could talk about a way to make your teeth whiter using regular household items.
  • Links to your stuff. Provide links to your longform content (how-to guides, podcasts, videos, etc) on other platforms like your website, YouTube, Spotify, etc. PRO TIP: Be sure to include a short excerpt in your Facebook post so your readers know what to expect when they click the link.
  • Links to other peoples' stuff. Linking to other peoples' content confirms you're well read and not a self-absorbed, know-it-all. 
  • Trending topics. Be the ambassador for your industry by educating your readers about the latest news in your niche.
  • Myth-busting. Is there a commonly held belief among prospects that isn't true, but you find yourself addressing over and over (and it's driving you crazy)? If so, set the record straight with a post on your Facebook Business Page!
  • Answer FAQs. For most businesses, the same questions come up repeatedly during the sales process. So why not answer those questions in advance on your Facebook Business Page?
  • Review a product you use. I published an article on my website, "38 Digital Marketing Tools I Use In My Business". I could make 38 individual Facebook post covering each of these tools, not to mention a 39th post linking directly to this article.
  • Expert interview. Post an audio or video interview with an industry expert offering tips or a unique perspective.

It's been said "the best way to help people ... is by actually helping them". Posting valuable, free info on your Facebook Business Page generates goodwill with your audience and demonstrates your expertise.

Ideas For Promotional Facebook Posts

  • Upcoming events. Do you have an upcoming speaking engagement or a Patient Appreciation Day? Get the word out via your Facebook Business Page.
  • Limited time offers. Announce your limited time discount ("50% until Friday at noon") or limited time enrollment ("we're accepting clients during the week of April 12th only").
  • Contests. Generate interest and buzz with a free giveaway or contest.
  • Lead magnets. Some sales processes, especially ones associated with high-ticket items, take time. Therefore, start the conversation with a prospect by offering them a free book, video, cheatsheet, checklist, evaluation, etc.
  • Direct pitches. Instead of beating around the bush, just make a direct pitch for your product or service. Here's what I've got, here's how it'll help you, here's what it costs and here's how you get it. 

To move the needle for your business, you're going to need to ask people to take action. Yes, you want to post uplifting as well as helpful content to your Facebook Business Page, but you also have to nudge people forward toward making a purchase, if appropriate.

What exactly is "engagement"?

You often see the word "engagement" when reading about social media. 

But what exactly is engagement?

Regarding Facebook, engagement means any of the following:

  • Someone likes your post.
  • Someone shares your post.
  • Someone comments on your post.
  • Someone watches a video (partially or completely) you posted.
  • Someone clicks a link in your post.

Engagement is a tally of what resonates with your audience. If a message is resonating with your audience, that's a signal to Facebook's algorithm to show that message to others. (ref: Buffer)

Your Daily Action Plan For Facebook Posting

Here's a simple, repeatable strategy that removes the guesswork. There are only 3 moving parts:

  • Capture ideas. Ideas will come to you at random times, so you need a system for logging those ideas the moment they arise. It can be a simple text file or Word doc on your computer. Or it can be a piece of paper you carry around in your pocket. On your idea file, you'll have three headings: (1) Uplifting, (2) Helpful, and (3) Promotional. Think of these headings as three buckets you'll fill with your ideas as they occur. Here's an example ...
  • Post content. Now it's time to take the ideas from the previous step and actually post content to your Facebook Business Page. Don't try to get too fancy, at least at first. Stick with the standard text + image post or a link (to other content) post. Regarding the mechanics of posting, you can manually post each day. Or you can do a bunch of posts all at once, then schedule them to be published at specified times in the future.
  • Interact and respond to comments. If someone leaves a comment on your post, reply to their comment and/or like their comment. If their comment is especially thoughtful, send them a brief direct message thanking them for their comment. Your actions will help boost your Page's engagement signal to the Facebook algorithm, as well as let people know you're real and approachable.

Tips For Posting To Your Facebook Business Page

Here are some helpful hints for posting to your Facebook Business Page:

  • Post daily. Try and post 1-3 times per day, preferably including a post from each of your content categories (i.e. uplifting, helpful, promotional) described above. Sometimes life gets in the way and you miss a day here and there. No big deal. Just try and be as consistent as possible. 
  • Stay true to yourself. Don't post certain types of content on your Facebook Business Page just because you think you're "supposed" to. If it doesn't feel right, don't post it. When in doubt, leave it out.
  • Ditch perfectionism. Don't spend exorbitant amounts of time obsessing over minutiae. It's more important to get your posts out there rather than trying to make it perfect. Choose progress over perfection. Good enough is good enough.
  • Recycle popular posts. Your posts don't have to be one and done. If your audience engaged with it, post it again! You can view your Facebook Business Page statistics by visiting Facebook Page Insights to see which of your posts performed the best.
  • Avoid conflict. Follow the rules for family gatherings >> avoid politics and religion, as well as anything offensive/divisive. It's not worth "stirring things up" even if you have a strong opinion. Your Facebook Business Page isn't the proper venue. It'll hurt your brand. Stay neutral if someone tries to goad you into commenting on a radioactive topic.

Your Facebook Business Page is a great tool to help build your brand and cultivate trust.

But it's not an overnight process. Your brand, as well as trust, takes work. They're built over time via the daily, consistent delivery of value.

Also, don't worry about trying to look hip and cool. 

The secret to a successful Facebook Business Page is being authentic.

About the Author

Mark Brinker is president of Mark Brinker & Associates — a business website design and development firm in Sterling Heights, MI. Mark offers a FREE masterclass training, "The 5 Steps To Creating A Website That Consistently Attracts Ideal Clients", which you can watch here. Mark also publishes lots of great (and free!) content on his YouTube channel.

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    1. Hi Janell. Me personally, I would pretty much treat them the same. Post useful, valuable info and insights that add to the conversation. With so much hype and nonsense on the internet, people crave authenticity and just being real. 😀

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